# Basic Customization ## VS Code orientation - [accept](https://classroom.github.com/a/dwGJw4RO) - [launch code space](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/developing-in-a-codespace/creating-a-codespace-for-a-repository) (this takes several minutes) - it is set up to do a lot for you, - open the port & view your site - still private, this is what it will look like - note: responsive (adjust screen, inspect) We will be using GitHub, which means we will make some commits. ## Working with Git - [commit](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/sourcecontrol/overview#_commit) - remember to type a message before clicking commit - press the sync the link above includes videos you can use as reference ## GitHub Pages - note error, find debug - settings> actions> workflow permissions - [turn on pages to publish from the github pages branch](https://docs.github.com/en/pages/getting-started-with-github-pages/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-your-github-pages-site#publishing-from-a-branch) - see the actually online rendered site - set up the repo about ## Exploring the Contents and Customizing ```{note} These first few steps are in the the nsbe50workshop Code tour ```