# Resources This section contains examples of different types of pages you may want to use. (gallery)= ## Gallery ```{hint} You can view the source to this page to learn how to add a carousel like this one to your site ``` ::::{card-carousel} 2 :::{card} [Dr. Brown's personal site](https://sarahmbrown.org/) this also uses a custom domain and the same extensions +++ [source](https://github.com/sarahmbrown-org/sarahmbrown-org.github.io) ::: :::{card} [Chris Holdgraf's site](https://chrisholdgraf.com/blog/) this also uses a custom domain and was how Dr. Brown learned about using sphinx this way +++ [source](https://github.com/choldgraf/choldgraf.github.io) ::: :::{card} This site! This uses more folders to organize sections and no custom domain +++ [source](https://github.com/ml4sts-outreach/profile) ::: :::{card} [Dr. Brown's lab](https://ml4sts.com) this also uses a custom domain and the same extensions +++ [source](https://github.com/ml4sts/ml4sts.github.io) ::: :::{card} [courseutils](https://compsys-progtools.github.io/courseutils) this uses similar extensions, and also documents code +++ [source](https://github.com/compsys-progtools/courseutils) ::: :::: ```{toctree} :caption: Resources :maxdepth: 2 codespaces formatting examples host advanced ```